Monday, October 12, 2009

As for me and my blogs, we will serve the Lord!

I'm still a 2-month old baby here in the world of blogging but im sooooo in to it! It's fun reflecting, contemplating and writing all of the things running through my mind. For me, some of its benefits are: meeting wonderful people (Though sometimes i only ever know them in the digital world, but that's ok); It also causes me to reflect on my life as a whole.;I can look back and say, “Wow, I did that?” Or, “What was I thinking?" Haha. But the best of all is when people get to browse my online journal and they feel blessed.


Wait. Let me share about this first.

Luke 6:45 - The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. FOR OUT OF THE OVERFLOW OF HIS HEART HIS MOUTH SPEAKS. hhhmmm....Familiar? Para sa mga bcc peepz, super familiar na ta ani! Our dear pastor ruffy is preaching about this for 3 consecutive sunday services. I've learned about the great power of the mind, the need to guard and manage it (aka heart)--Prov.4:23, and of course it's constant renewal through the blood of Jesus.

I love reading other people's blogs---mga kakilala and not even a kakilala. Hindi naman sa usyosera whatever ako (haha!) but I just want to know what's on their mind (parang facebook?!) and guess what? I even found some blogs of the artista. Yup2x! Some blogs are so interesting and inspiring (nakakablessed talaga) but there are some na ginawang expression of hurts, pains, rejections and hatred (sad...need jud magencounter!) Blogging??? sus, Luke 6:45 jud ni ba. And that is when I've made a commitment to make blog entries that will serve as a channel of blessing gyud to other people by God's grace. Through this, they'll get to know more of our Father--everything about His greatness, goodness and His loving kindness! Yeah, more of Him and less of me =)

Kaya nga I'm (and still!) more inspired to do this thingy. Oh, have I mentioned that I want my future generation to be blessed as well when they read my blogs? (Yup, kayo 'yan my future children and my future grandchildren!) I promise not to delete any of my entries for them to read how God blessed me as a single and pati na rin sa POST-SINGLE life!! Hehehe =)

Weeehh!! Blogging is fun! Especially when it is dedicated to the Lord---the original Blogger! (official blogsite: The Bible)


p.s. I've made another blog account diay [Rebekah's Daily Dwellings By the Well;] kaya lang naka **private mode** haha. And if you're given the chance to view it (if you may ask) magbunyi ka!! CLOSE TAYO! =)

1 comment:

  1. let's redeem the web gyud bekaii =)
    heart-inks and heartprints to bless the world with...
